VIT was established with the aim of providing quality higher education on par with international standards. It persistently seeks and adopts innovative methods to improve the quality of higher education on a consistent basis. The campus has a cosmopolitan atmosphere with students from all corners of the globe. Experienced and learned teachers are strongly encouraged to nurture the students. History of computing discipline at VIT Chennai dates back to 2010, when the School of Computer Science & Engineering was established to meet the demand for well-qualified computer professionals. The mission of the school is to create and maintain an environment for Excellence in Instruction, Learning and Applied Research in the area of Computing Science and Engineering and allied disciplines so as to equip our students with necessary knowledge and skills for higher education/employment and to meet the societal demands. With an aim to carve a niche for itself in Computer Science and allied domains, the School strives to: In developing the core competence in the respective subject matter specialization includes:About VIT
The global standards set at VIT in the field of teaching and research spur us on in our relentless pursuit of excellence. In fact, it has become a way of life for us. The highly motivated youngsters on the campus are a constant source of pride. Our Memoranda of Understanding with various international universities are our major strength.
They provide for an exchange of students and faculty and encourage joint research projects for the mutual benefit of these universities. Many of our students, who pursue their research projects in foreign universities, bring high quality to their work and esteem to India and have done us proud. With steady steps, we continue our march forward.
About School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE)
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SCOPE - VIT Chennai
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