December 04-06, 2024

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Chennai, INDIA


Workshop on Low Resource Cross Domain, Cross Lingual, Cross Modal Content Analysis (LC4)

The goal of the third workshop on Low Resource Cross-Domain, Cross-Lingual and Cross-Modal Content Analysis (LC4) is to advance research that develops, interrogates, and applies computational methods for detecting, classifying, and modeling all form of multimedia contents under Cross-Domain, Cross-Lingual and Cross-modal settings. The third iteration of LC4 workshop puts the emphasis more on understanding and studying how contents vary across different domains and genre, developing cross-lingual approaches to bridge gap between languages that have large corpora available and low resource languages and how different modality interaction could be used to better quantify contents and their end applications.

For more details click here

Workshop on Fake News Detection in Low-Resource Languages (Regional-FAKE)

The rapid expansion of online social media in recent years has greatly enhanced communication among individuals. Users on these platforms can share information, interact, and stay updated on current events. However, a significant portion of recent information on social media is unreliable and, in some cases, deliberately misleading, commonly referred to as fake news. Efforts to detect or prevent fake news have primarily focused on high-resource languages such as Arabic, English, and other European languages. In contrast, low-resource languages like Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada have received little attention due to the absence of labeled fake news corpora, fact checking websites, and NLP tools. Despite the growing presence of multilingual content on the web, the classification of false news in low-resource languages remains challenging due to the lack of annotated corpora and necessary tools. This challenge persists even with the increase in multilingual web contents. We have conducted the Second Workshop on Regional Fake 2023 as a part of the SPELLL 2023 conference.

For more details click here

Workshop On Multimodal Machine Learning in Low-resource languages(MMLoW)

We are excited to announce our next sequel in MMLOW, the Third Workshop on Multimodal Machine Learning in Low-Resource Languages (MMLow 2024). Building on the success of previous editions MMLow 2022 at ICON 2022 in IIIT Delhi and MMLow 2023 at Kongu Engineering College, Tamil Nadu in 2023, this event continues our journey into the innovative realm of multimodal machine learning applied to underrepresented languages. By bringing together a diverse group of scholars, practitioners, and enthusiasts, MMLow 2024 aims to extend the frontiers of AI and contribute significantly to the enhancement of linguistic diversity and understanding.

For more details click here


Regular Papers

Regular submissions must describe substantial, original, completed and unpublished work. Wherever appropriate, concrete evaluation and analysis should be included.
Regular papers may consist of 12 - 15 pages of content including references. However, page restrictions will not be followed strictly, if the authors wish to have more explanation of their work.

Short Papers

SPELLL 2024-Workshop also solicits short papers. Short paper submissions must describe original and unpublished work. Short papers should have a point that can be made in a few pages. Some kinds of short papers are:

  • A small, focused contribution
  • Work in progress
  • Experience notes

Short papers may consist of 6 - 8 pages including references. Short papers will be presented in one or more oral or poster sessions. While short papers will be distinguished from regular papers in the proceedings, there will be no distinction in the proceedings between short papers presented orally and as posters. However, page restrictions will not be followed strictly, if the authors wish to have more explanation of their work.

Review Policy

For SPELLL 2024-Workshop, the evaluation of submissions will employ a double-blind review process, ensuring impartiality and confidentiality in the assessment of papers. Under this system, the identities of both the reviewers and the authors are kept anonymous. This means that authors do not know who reviews their papers, and reviewers are unaware of the authors' identities. This approach is designed to minimize biases related to the authors' background, affiliation, or previous work, promoting an objective evaluation based on the submission's originality, relevance, importance, and clarity. Furthermore, authors are required to maintain anonymity in their citations as well. When referring to their previous work, authors should use the third person to avoid revealing their identity. For example, instead of saying "In our earlier work..." or "We previously showed that...", authors should frame these citations as if referencing another researcher's work, such as "Smith et al. (2020) demonstrated that...". This guideline helps preserve the integrity of the double-blind review process, ensuring that papers are evaluated solely on their merits.

Author Guidelines

  • When submitting a paper, authors must rigorously follow the double-blind policy guidelines. This includes omitting names and affiliations from the submission and ensuring adherence to the review policy guidelines to maintain anonymity.
  • Authors must follow the Springer LNCS formatting instructions.
  • For camera-ready papers useLatex or Word style provided on the authors' page for the preparation of papers.
  • The LaTeX Proceedings Template for scientific authoring platform in Overleaf.
  • Each paper will receive at least three reviews. At least one author of each accepted paper must register by the early registration date indicated on the conference website and present the paper.

Paper Submission:

Papers can be submitted using the link below:



Accepted papers that are presented in the workshop tracks will be published in the Springer series: Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS).

Volumes published will be indexed in Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) - part of Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science, EI Engineering Index, ACM Digital Library, DBLP, Google Scholar and Scopus.

For inquiries, send an email to the workshop chairs at:



  • July 10, 2024: First Call for Workshop Papers
  • July 30, 2024: Second Call for Workshop Papers
  • August 10, 2024: Workshop Paper Due Date
  • August 25, 2024: Notification of Acceptance
  • October 15, 2024: Camera-ready papers due
  • December 04-06, 2024: Workshop Dates